Saturday, December 16, 2023

Trip to Malaysia

As I was in Philippines for a short time I decided to go visit my Malaysian friends in Lumut area. The trip started a bit roughly with us spending a day in Singapore and in evening taking the overnight bus to Sitiawan. It was not bad but the AC in the bus was freezing and I hadn't packed any long-sleeved clothes so ended up huddling all night whilst dog-napping. Whilst in Lumut we got taken around all the nice restaurants serving different Chinese cuisine as well other ethnic groups. Always nice to visit Malaysia for food. Below are some pictures from the few days spent there.

911 MB, not Porsche ;)

Monday, October 16, 2023

M/t Tobias - the greatest tanker in the world

Many times in the beginning of my career the old hands talked about the American (“Yankee-tank”) supertanker “Tobias”, the world’s largest tanker. It was carrying elephant-snot from India…

M/t Tobias

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Seafaring culture

An old colleague of mine, Lauri Vuorinen, published his musings in Finnish that I have freely translated into English. On the subject, the pictures are all courtesy from another colleague Hannu Vartiainen from 70's-80's.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Delivery Djibouti to Cyprus

Having been awhile at home I was contacted by my ex Ch Mate to do a short delivery of m/y Kalizma from Djibouti to Turkey and as I thought I have time I agreed on it readily and as I had been on her several years ago, last time back in 2012, I knew the yacht and her flaws. She had since 2012 been refitted and undergone survey to become a commercial yacht under Cook Island and successfully chartered in Indian Ocean the past years.

Planned voyage Djibouti to Turkey, possibly Bodrum

Monday, August 21, 2023

Monday, July 17, 2023


20.11.2022 - 16.05.2023
fpv Lilibet
Singapore roads, taking bunkers, photo by Capt Thye Hock

Friday, June 02, 2023

Across two Oceans in the Fennia

After having learned about Fennia in Falklands during my visit I did some research and came over the diary of Mr Howlett on JStor that depicts his voyage from Australia to Europe in 1926. He had the wherewithal to negotiate his passage and then had the luxury to take off in Chile for some sightseeing so he was not a deck boy per se a but still helped and worked where he could as well as taught he cadets English. I also have corrected the anglicised names with the Scandinavian alphabet.

Fennia crew at the helm

Thursday, June 01, 2023

Sail training ship Fennia

Having visited Falklands I came over the information by accident in a pub that a Finnish sailing vessel, FENNIA, had in early 1900's limped into Port Stanley jury rigged after having been partly demasted in a severe storm. 

Poster of shipwrecks around Falklands

Friday, May 19, 2023

Falklands Islands

Never having visited Falklands before it was an exciting prospect having only wondered about it as a kid watching the World chart on top of my bed that was gifted by my uncle. It used to be my pastime to look at funny foreign names on foreign continents before falling asleep. Well, now looking at Falklands map closer it was all English names interspersed with an occasional Spanish name.

Article from local newspaper about us

Saturday, April 15, 2023

South Atlantic sojourn

As we had left Tristan da Cunha we set course for South Georgia with an aim to go do some PR for the locals there as well as to see the grave of Ernest Shackleton. 

Some humour along the trip was required, orginal Asterix album cover modified

Saturday, April 08, 2023

Captain Arthur A Soderlund

As I was visiting Tristan da Cunha a colleague of mine had told me there is a Finn buried over there. Before the port was the local cemetery so I requested our hosts to stop there to have a quick look.

The Söderlund family (courtesy of Pix in 1945) 

Friday, April 07, 2023

Tristan da Cunha

Having left Cape Town we planned to go East until we reached Tristan da Cunha before turning on a southerly heading in order to avoid the low pressures feeding up from Cape Horn and Pacific ocean. 

Tristan da Cunha, coat of arms

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Seafaring life

This article was originally published by the Finnish seamen's mission in Finnish, below is a translation of it:

A Sailors life is full of surprises!
21st March 2023

Jan Rautawaara and Juha Pokka in front of "Anny"