Showing posts with label St Helena. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St Helena. Show all posts

Friday, April 07, 2023

Tristan da Cunha

Having left Cape Town we planned to go East until we reached Tristan da Cunha before turning on a southerly heading in order to avoid the low pressures feeding up from Cape Horn and Pacific ocean. 

Tristan da Cunha, coat of arms

Friday, February 26, 2021

St Helena (the ship)

15.01.2021 - 25.02.2021
01.08.2020 - 23.10.2020
04.01.2020 - 24.06.2020
04.11.2019 - 27.12.2019
m/v St Helena (ex MNG Tahiti, RMS St Helena)

St Helena in Birkenhead, UK before the refit

Saturday, September 19, 2020

New livery

This Saturday m/v St Helena moved from Cammell Lairds Campbeltown facility into their Bidston repair facility for further outfitting afloat.

This move activated the local paparazzi into action and here are a few shots by local talents: 

St Helena on the Mersey (by Phil Owen)

Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Life takes a turn...

As I was enjoying my rotational leave from Ventum Maris in South Africa I got a mail asking if I would be interested in joining a commercial venture with world wide itinerary. My interest was immediately peaked so I said "yes but that I was in a contract so needed some notice" in case we would come to an agreement. 

RMS St Helena watersalute
Photographer: unknown