Saturday, April 15, 2023

South Atlantic sojourn

As we had left Tristan da Cunha we set course for South Georgia with an aim to go do some PR for the locals there as well as to see the grave of Ernest Shackleton. 

Some humour along the trip was required, orginal Asterix album cover modified

Saturday, April 08, 2023

Captain Arthur A Soderlund

As I was visiting Tristan da Cunha a colleague of mine had told me there is a Finn buried over there. Before the port was the local cemetery so I requested our hosts to stop there to have a quick look.

The Söderlund family (courtesy of Pix in 1945) 

Friday, April 07, 2023

Tristan da Cunha

Having left Cape Town we planned to go East until we reached Tristan da Cunha before turning on a southerly heading in order to avoid the low pressures feeding up from Cape Horn and Pacific ocean. 

Tristan da Cunha, coat of arms