Monday, August 22, 2011


Last time I did not have enough time to discover Pompeii so I decided to join the other crew on their excursion to the ruins.

Climbing Mount Faito

As I had some time on my hands I went ashore for a walk, in flip-flops. I ended up to the cable car and bought a ticket to go up to the top of Mount Faito. While waiting for the scheduled ascent I had an Italian Peroni beer at the station bar. Finally the car came and we inserted ourselves into the "bubble". People could only stand and I was clever enough to go stand in the aft so I could get a good photo shooting view.
Castellammare di Stabia

View over Bay of Napoli

It exactly 8 minutes to get up to the top at the speed of 7.5m/s according to the data placard in the station. The placard was not far away from the truth as the ascent was quite rapid and it seemed we were on top in no time.

More higher

M/y Indian Empress in Marina di Stabia

I disembarked the car and walked about the premises, I must say it was a bit disappointing. The top was covered in high pine trees and there were a few restaurants and souvenir shops. I took to walking along a path that advertised a restaurant but as I git further on it the path was siding with big satellite dishes and some utility buildings. I never saw the restaurant as a hole in the fence leading downhill caught my attention... 

View from the top towards Mount Vesuvius

Flora - thistles

I took off my flip flops as they seemed more slippery on the cover of pine needles on the sandy ground. And so I was surfing downwards for some good photo angles. I was looking back and saw myself about a hundred meters from the fence and the ground appeared soft and sandy so climbing would be hard. I turned my back on the top and started my descent towards civilization.

Way down

The only living things I met 

The going was easy as the slope was not too steep at first and I was frequently crossing over the road that was going up to the top (or down to Castellammare di Stabia). Then I came to such steep places that I could not think of trying going down without climbing gear and I did not think my toes and fingers were enough. The bare rock was really sharp and not really suitable for barefoot wandering either. So, I had to double back to the road and I started walking.

It's a long road...

Sometimes I went straight down through the bush

I walked and walked, at times I came across breathtaking vistas and I took some great shots but the sun was going down and I was not even near the town yet. There was not much choice and I kept on plodding downnwards along the road. The sun went down and it became dark. very dark as there was no street lights. I could still see the road from the ambient light from the sky and the town below me.

Someone before me had had beer on their trip

View from about midway

Some hour after sunset I started passing houses at a more frequent interval. I was entering town. I managed to find myself to the main road of Castellammare di Stabia that led to Marina di Stabia. At this time my feet were rather sore not to say in the least and I was lucky the flip flops had held together. I arrived to the Marina gate around 2300hrs and they were of course locked and closed. I had no other solution so I climbed over the gate, whatever the consequences. I needed a shower and some rest.

Marina di Stabia

Bay of Napoli

I arrive dthe ship a few minutes later and I found Anil, Andrei and some other crew sitting on the jetty discussing. I sat down for awhile and had some water after a long time. It had taken me 4 hrs to come down by foot. Some excursion...

Hot and sweaty

Coming to town

Back to Italy

We arrived Porto Cervo on the 14th and I had the luck to meet Chelly, an old colleague from m/y Silver. Later in the afternoon we move inside the marina and during the mooring our keel touched a rock on the bottom of the marina. Luckily no damages were discovered when I dived to have a look on the bottom. It was just a matter of shallow water due to weather circumstances.

Mark in Elba



On the 15th we move out at the anchorage for swimming and later in the evening we heave up anchor and depart for the Island of Elba.

m/y Indian Empress in Elba

m/y Ice in Marina di Campo

Porto Cervo

We arrive Elba on the 16th and anchor at Porto Azzurro for a short while. Due to so many boats in the area we move out to Golfo Lacuna. Lot of boat traffic there too but less than in Porto Azzurro. We did not stay here long and we moved onwards the coast to the Bay of Marina di Campo. As it happened m/y Ice was there also at the same time. She also left before nightfall and so did we in the evening and headed towards Capri.

Porto Cervo

Porto Cervo


We arrived Capri on the 17th and anchored in front of marina Piccola. Here we stayed all night king and next morning 18th we went and anchored in the bay of Cala del Rio. Pretty tricky as the bay is very small compared to our size and considering the swing circle after we dropped 6 schackles of chain due to the depth.


m/y A at Capri

Cool tenderboat at Capri

In the evening we heaved up anchor and shifted back in front of Marina Piccola. On the 19th we sailed for Amalfi and anchored in front of the town. We did not even stop engines when we heaved up again and moved in front of Nerano as the famous restaurant Quattro Passi is there. In the evening we returned back to Capri. It was hard finding a anchoring spot as the anchorage was chockablock with other yachts.

Svilen & me at Cala del Rio in Capri

m/y Indian Empress anchored Cala del Rio in Capri

Cala del Rio in Capri

21st we stay in front of Capri at anchor and on the morning 22nd we move into Marina di Stabia, just next to Castellammare di Stabia. Nice marina but a very tight squeeze to go in between the wave breakers. It would not be possible in adverse weather.

m/y Serene

Some people really like their toys...

Amalfi coast

Amalfi coast

Amalfi coast

Amalfi coast

Amalfi coast

Plamen @ Amalfi coast

Capri Island

Sunrise over Sorrento

Capri Island

m/y Indian Empress in Marina di Stabia