Sunday, August 22, 2021

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Rescue of Wilhelmine - epilogue

If you've read all the previous posts you know by now she was only rescued from an undignified end rusting asunder at an deserted beach despite our greater ideas that were smashed by the pandemic.

Bow section chomped to pieces by hydraulic scissors

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Wilhelmine in media

As Wilhelmine was resuscitated and moved about she broke the news barrier and below are few articles published by Finnish papers that I've freely translated below in chronological order. 

Kimito nyheter 24.11.2020:

Main picture of article in Kimito news.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Wilhelmine in history

Obviously as Wilhelmine was built in 1953 and sailed 30+ years under German flag in Europe before she was bought to Finland in the 80's a lot had time to happen to the people that sailed her and to Wilhelmine herself.

Waalhafen 1970's, courtesy of Shipnostalgia by "oktoon"